5 Reasons Why Holistic Dog Food is Better For Your Pet

After the series of pet food recalls in recent years, many dog owners are turning to holistic dog food as an alternative to the chemical filled brands that line store shelves. Is a holistic diet really that much better for dogs, or is it just another marketing ploy? Here are 5 reasons why holistic foods really are better for your pet.

1. Holistic Dog Food is all-natural.

Most of the brands available today are full of highly processed ingredients, artificial flavors and colors, and chemical preservatives. When you see ingredients such as meat meal, animal meal, and grains as well as the more familiar chemicals BHA and BHT, it's no wonder that so many owners are switching to holistic foods. These store-bought brands are made from processed, industrial ingredients that many dogs and cats are not equipped to digest. Allergies in dogs can be a constant source of frustration, but a switch to holistic pet food can help provide relief.

2. Holistic foods contain human-grade ingredients.

Pet owners are becoming more educated about the true quality of their dog's food. Once they heard the phrases "human grade" and "human-grade" on their packaging, they were convinced to buy this food, but how can we really know? Sure, the Food and Drug Administration has some vague guidelines, but there is no agency for human-grade foods, so we must rely on our own sense of taste. Have you ever bought a dog food with the word "by product" on the label, only to see it listed higher on the list of ingredients? It's no wonder that so many owners are considering switching to holistic foods.

3. You control what your dog eats.

This may sound strange to hear, but you were probably born with a natural diet that was not genetically pre-disposed to a particular diet. Well, it should be good to know that your dog has already been exposed to a diet that wasn't junk, and that there are less chemicals in his natural food than there are in your manufactured foods. What better proof do you need that you are the one in charge than when you pick up a bag of highly processed commercial food and see that it includes artificial flavors, food colors, preservatives, and other chemicals?

4. You can spend less.

Another reason that many dog owners are switching to holistic foods is that they can actually save money by adopting a holistic food diet. Most commercial foods are very expensive to feed, and to be honest don't contain all of the nutrition that a dog needs to live a long and healthy life. When you decide to feed your dog a holistic diet that includes human-grade ingredients your dog is eating the same food day-in and day-out. You are also able to buy in bulk and freeze it, so you can later serve it to your pet frozen.

5. You can potentially heal your dog of many ailments.

Your dog's body is a bacterial, fungal, viral organism. Something happens to disrupt the natural balance of bacteria, and this is what causes many health issues for dogs. A holistic diet will minimize the risk of diseases, and also allow good nutrition to actually fight the illness. Just like human foods, homemade holistic foods can allow the addition of beneficial nutrients to your dog's immune system, and this will help him return to a normal, healthy self. As you probably know, a healthy immune system can fight off illness, and even prevent it from ever coming back.

Just as you should never give your dog raw food, neither should you let him have any cooked bones.cooked bones, to your dog, seem like one more thing to get into his mouth, but it is actually an indication of things that are just as dangerous for your dog, if not more so. Take a moment to read through this article, and you will see why I view bone-cooking with un hometown pet food as a form of irresponsibility on your part.


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